whynotaskmom's Blog

Hi everyone. My baby boy is 6 months old and just will not sleep through the night! he has me up between 4am and 5am everyday and just will not go back to sleep, so I'm exhausted! I also have a 19 month old daughter who he also wakes up when hes crying! I do the whole bedtime routine, bath, night time porridge and bottle but nothing seems to work. He's also on 4 meals a day. It was that bit easier...
Last updated: 18/11/2013 by whynotaskmom
Ever since my daughter reached the age of weaning, she was always difficult at eating her food. She would go through stages where she would only pick at her food. A good method I found when spoon feeding her, was to distract her. Tell her to look at something out the window or someone else in the room. This way, when I went to put the spoon in her mouth, she would open it without even thinking...
Last updated: 29/08/2013 by whynotaskmom
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology