You asked

What is the best way to treat my child's cut or scrape?

Generally speaking, most cuts and grazes are minor and can be easily treated at home. However, if your injury is more severe, you may need to receive treatment in hospital.
In most cases, cleaning the cuts thoroughly and covering them with a plaster or dressing is all that is required.
If your child’s cut or scrape is bleeding heavily, or is on a particularly delicate area of your body, such as the palm of your hand, you should stop the bleeding before applying any kind of dressing.
Applying pressure to the area using a bandage or a clean towel is the best way to stop the bleeding. If the cut is to your hand or arm, raise it above your head. If the injury is to a lower limb, lie down and raise the affected area above the level of your heart so the bleeding slows down and stops.
To dress a cut or graze:
  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
  • Clean the wound under running tap water, but do not use antiseptic because it may damage the tissue and slow down healing.
  • Pat the area dry with a clean towel.
  • Apply a sterile, adhesive dressing, such as a plaster.
Keep the dressing clean by changing it frequently and keep the wound dry by using waterproof dressings. 

More questions

If a cut is too severe to treat at home then it is important to take your child to A&E or to your GP as stitches may be required. Go straight to the A&E if the cut is to an artery or if the bleeding will not stop.
The wound should heal itself in a few days. If the wound is painful, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Generally speaking, most cuts and grazes are minor and can be easily treated at home.
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