10 questions my three-year-old son asked me in public last week

Last updated: 23/02/2016 12:59 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers

My three-year-son is possibly the most inquisitive little creature I have ever encountered.

As a mum-of-four, I have fielded my fair share of questions over the years, but since the arrival of Nathaniel my world has revolved around responding to queries and replying to enquiries.

Eager to know how the world works and why, Nathaniel will question everything from the colour of the sky to the contents of the car's glove box.

Getting a constant insight into his thought process is one of the lovliest things about spending time with him, but there's no denying it can be absolutely exhausting.

Having to conjure up a reply which satisifes him is no mean feat, and what's worse is, I often don't know the answer which leaves him even more baffled at times.

But Mummies know everything.....

Here are just ten questions Nathaniel asked me while he surveyed the surroundings of the dentist's waiting room last Friday.

1. “Who is walking those big fat legs down the stairs?”

Oh please God, no.

2. “Why is daddy hairy everywhere but only mummy a little bit?”

That new razor was clearly a good investment.

3.”Do you feel silly in those big glasses?”

Well, now I do.

4.”Can I sit in the plantpot?”


5.” Are you married to Daddy?”

Last time I checked, yes.

6. "Am I married to you?"


7. “Will I be shouty like you when I grow up all big?”

There's a fairly big possibility, alright.

8. “Is that lady your friend or is she like Esther next door?”

Oh Lord Nathaniel, shush.

9. Can we do farts in here, or no?”

No. Always no.

10. Is that the car you banged outside, Mummy?”

He's trying to send me to an early grave.

Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology