The second trimester starts from week 14 right up until about the start of the seventh month.
Very different from the first trimester, for some mums it can provide relief from the morning sickness they have had to deal with during their early pregnancy.
But what actually happens to both you and Baby around this time?
1. Your baby is now around the size of a lemon and and will grow to about 2lbs pound by the end of the third trimester.
2. While their lungs won’t be fully developed at this stage, your baby will also start practicing how to breathe.
3. Elbows and knees are starting to bend a bit better and their bones are starting to harden.
4. Hair will also start to develop around week 16 and they will start to grow eyebrows and even eyelashes.
5. By week 18 their nervous system will start to develop as myelination, the formation of the protective cover of myelin around the nerves, begins.
6. Your little one will also start to produce urine in the second trimester, and will empty their bladder every half an hour.
7. Your baby will also be able to hear things as the weeks go on and may even be able to distinguish your voice from others.
8. Your baby’s movements will also become a little more scheduled and they will even start to sleep around the week 21 mark.
9. By week 22 your little one will look like a full term baby although their skin will look very wrinkled. As they develop fat, their skin will plump up.
10. They will also start to grab at their own body as the muscles in their hands become more developed.
1. Throughout your second trimester, you should feel a surge in your energy levels and your morning sickness should subside.
2. Your bump will also start to become a lot more noticeable and you may find that you are struggling with balance the more you grow.
3. You will start to feel your little one moving about a lot more as they begin to take up a lot more space inside you.
4. While mood swings should start to settle as you enter the second trimester, as you get close to your last trimester your hormone levels will start to rise again.
5. You may start to experience lower back pain, and even cramps in your legs. Make sure you get plenty of rest and retain proper posture to ease any discomfort.