bethod93's Blog

When I was in secondary school, I didn't have enough money to matter. I went to a school where you were defined by how wealthy you were, the size of your house, who has the best car and the area you lived in. Although it provided a fantastic education, it was the type of school where even some of the teachers looked down their noses at me. I was told I'd never be smart enough because of where I...
Last updated: 09/03/2015 by bethod93
Recently when watching MTV's hit series "Teen Mom", I realised something. Everybody feels so sorry for the girl's on the show because their lives are so tough, but they don't know the true hardship of being a young mother. Alot of them depend on their parents, one of their parents bought them a house, and another got a breast implant, chin implant, nose job and an apartment in Florida. Seems to me...
Last updated: 08/01/2013 by bethod93
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology