Your little one's first haircut is a momentous occasion and one that should be seen as such.


However, while you may look forward to finally getting those long locks tidied up, your youngster may be a little uneasy about heading to the salon, especially if they have never been to one before or seen someone else get their hair done. 


If your son or daughter is a little wary, take note of the following points to help put their mind at ease. 


1. Bring them with you when you’re getting your own hair done

Before you organise their appointment, try to book yourself in for a trim and bring your little one along. Not only will they get to see what actually happens, but the more comfortable they feel in the place the more relaxed they will be when it is their turn for a chop. 


2. Play hairdressers at home

If your little one is very nervous why not set up a pretend hairdresser at home and play make-believe. This way you can talk through their fears and show them their is nothing to be worried about - just make sure the game is as engaging and fun as possible.  



3. Be positive about the experience

Getting your hair done is meant to be a positive experience and shouldn't be something that your little one is afraid of. Talk about how nice it is to sit there and have someone do their hair and how lovely they will feel after. Don't make any negative comments and NEVER mention that they will lose their curls - trust us! 


4. Ask the hairdresser to style their hair a little

Why not have the hairdresser put your little one's hair into a nice plait or use a little gel to style it up a bit. Not only will your son or daughter feel in control of the situation by telling the stylist what they want, but they will also feel very grown up leaving the salon with their new. 


5. Make a day out of it

The first time your little one gets their hair cut is a big deal and should not go by unnoticed. Organise to visit grandparents so they can show their new do off or even head out for a lunch after - this will really make them feel grown up. 


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