Now that Christmas is just around the corner, it is easy for kids to lose motivation and let things slip a little as they look forward to the holidays. While classes will usually wind down a bit from about the second week in December, it is important you ensure your youngster continues to work hard and do their best until they are officially finished.


Here are five tips to help you encourage them:


Set goals

Set goals that they can work towards from now until they finish up for the holidays. This could be anything from getting to grips with a maths problem they can’t get their head around, learning to spell 20/30 new words, finishing a book or completing an art project. Not only will this keep them working but it will ensure they won’t have to spend their two weeks off catching up or tackling them.


Have a reward system

You can’t set goals for kids without a reward chart. A simple sticker for every job they complete or for every problem they solve with a predetermined reward at the end will keep them pushing themselves.


Stay interested

As a mum it is easy to let things slip in the homework department as you too look forward to the time off or become distracted by Santa lists, but it is important you stay focused and interested. Ask them about their day, talk about their homework and encourage them to keep going as if it was a normal month.


Keep the evening routine normal

Try to keep the evening routine as normal as possible. December is a busy month as you try to fit in Christmas shopping and experience as much of the magic as possible, but try to keep these kinds of activities for the weekend. Avoid encouraging your child to go shopping with you or to bringing them to light switch-ons during the school week; there are plenty of hours at the weekend to do all that you need.


Don’t make them overdo it

While you need to keep them focused, don’t push them so much that they don’t want to work anymore - there needs to be a good work-life balance. It is hard not to get pulled in to the festivities and while your little ones don’t need to sacrifice them in favour of school, homework and assignments do need to take top priority until they are finished. 


