
Questions & Answers

How can I help my teen solve her friendship problems?

As your teenager grows, it's important to be there to listen to your child but allow them to make their own decisions about friendships.
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What can parents do to help their child overcome shyness?

There are lots of ways that parents can help their child overcome their shyness.
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Why is my child shy?

Shyness in children is quite common and they often grow out of it.
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How do I make sure to throw a good slumber party?

Follow our tips to make sure you survive slumber parties to live another day!
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How do I help my child make the transition easier when moving school?

Changing schools can be a tough adjustment for any child, particularly for an older child who has to leave lifelong friends behind.
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How can I best prepare my child for success at school?

Parents want what's best for their children and want to do everything they can to make sure they are successful at school. 
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My daughter wasn't invited to a classmate's birthday party and everyone else was. What should I do?

It's not particularly nice but your child is going to experience many disappointments growing up. 
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