A visit from the tooth fairy goes part and parcel with your child losing their teeth, usually bringing a coin or two as a thank you.

But the special fairy doesn’t leave money in every household, sometimes she leaves a little treat as a way to show her appreciation, especially in homes where parents don’t like the idea of their little ones having cash.

Why not ask the fairy to start one of these traditions instead: 


1. Leave a little bit of sparkle

Sprinkle a little bit of glitter under their pillow and maybe even a little on the floor - sometimes just knowing the fairy was there is enough to keep your youngster happy.

2. A note

Why get the fairy to write a little note saying thank you – it’s a great way to document how many teeth have fallen out as well.

3. Leave footprints

Instead of leaving money ask the tooth fairy to sign their autograph with their foot on a piece of paper so that your little one can collect them.  


4. A tiny jar of glitter

What could be more special than a jar of glitter left by the fairy – the perfect little memento.


5. Tiny gold coin

Why not ask the fairy to leave a tiny chocolate coin for them to enjoy – in-keeping with the whole financial side of things.



6. A certificate

Why not ask for a certificate congratulating your little one on losing their tooth, and maybe a few tips on how to keep them clean and healthy.


7. Small toy

There is a lot to be said for a tiny toy that will leave your kids amused for hours.


8. A new tooth brush

Why not ask the fairy to mark the occasion with a very new tooth brush to keep the rest of their teeth strong and healthy.


9. Old coins

If your little one is keen on the money side of things, why not ask the fairy to take them on a trip around the world with a different foreign coin for every tooth lost.


10. A gold star

Losing a tooth can be tough on any kids, but if the fairy brings a gold sticker for every tooth lost with a big prize at the end it will help your kids get over it fairly quickly. 


