Making your child’s lunch can be a repetitive and mundane task, and opening up the same lunch every day can also be a little predictable.


To make it a little more interesting for both you and your child, why not take a little inspiration from the following hints and tips.


1. Make a sandwich puzzle

Cut the sandwich up into odd shapes so that your little one has to piece it together to eat it!


2. Swap up your fruit

Instead of giving your child the same fruit every day swap it for something new – cucumber sticks instead of carrot sticks are always a great alternative.


3. Don’t just stick to ham sandwiches

A lunch doesn’t just have to consist of ham sandwiches; pasta, crackers, wraps and salads make great healthy alternatives and are easy to make.



4. Up their fruit intake with a smoothie

If your child is forever coming home with a squashed banana or a bruised apple try giving them a smoothie to get much-needed fruit. While you shouldn’t give them one every day, occasionally is fine.


5. Make homemade granola bars

Kids love baking so why not get them involved in making their own lunch. Granola bars are easy enough to whip up and are a great source of fibre. Don’t add nuts if there is a no-nut policy in school.


6. Don’t forget the dip                  

Eating cold, plain apple sticks can be a bit boring so why not add a small dip like hummus or guacamole for them to enjoy it with.


7. Warm them up with soup

If you have a flask at home why not pour in warm homemade soup – only do this is your child is old enough to handle the flask and isn’t at risk of scalding themselves.




8. Let them make their own lunch

Why not make lunch a little more interesting by getting your child to make it themselves in school. Give them cheese slices, crackers, dips, bread, fruit, pasta or vegetables in separate containers and let them put it together as they like.


9.  Give them a healthy treat

Kale chips are a great way to get your child to eat their greens and are really easy to make.


10. Don’t forget the yoghurt

If you are struggling to get your little one to eat enough dairy why not give them a plain or natural yoghurt and fruit to dip into it.


