As a mother, it is important you shower your child in positivity each and every day so that they are better able to withstand any of this negativity


Here are 18 positive things your child should hear on a daily basis - try to say at least one or two a day. 



"You are a great friend"

Everyone wants to be a good friend so make sure your child knows they are one.


"You are really good at [insert their favourite hobby] "

Even if they’re not, it is always important to be positive, especially if they love what they do.


"I believe in you"

We all need someone to believe in us.


"I’m proud of you"

You are their biggest inspiration and they want to please you.


"I love playing with you"

Your child wants to spend time with you and will love that you want to spend time with them.


"You are strong"

Say this when they are really struggling with something.


"I know you can do it "

Give them the faith to do anything.


"You make me so happy"

They are looking for your approval and knowing they make you happy is important.


"You make me smile"

Who doesn’t want to make others smile.


"You are kind"

This will go a long way to ensuring they always stay kind.


"It is ok to make a mistake"

Because it is.


"I am here for you"

Remind your youngster that they are not alone.


"I love you so much"

A child can never hear this too much.


"I’m listening"

Your child needs to know you are.


"I’m grateful you are in my life"

This will truly make them feel special.


"Your ideas are really good"

Encourage them to think for themselves by praising when they do.


"I see you learning everyday"

They are so tell them.


"What do you think?"

Getting them involved and asking for their opinion will help the, feel grown up.


