5 tips to help your teething toddler sleep better
Teething is no fun for little ones – but even worse is when their precious shuteye is impacted, and they’re waking up the next morning overtired and grumpy after a night of broken sleep.
Fever, which can cause irritability and soreness can all combine to wake your little one up, or prevent them from nodding off in the first place [1].
Want to help your teething tot feel better? Here are our top tips:
Stick to your normal bedtime routine
If possible, stick to your little one’s regular bedtime routine. Changing the rules in any way will make them less likely to have a good night’s sleep – and they may find it hard to get back on track when they’ve finished teething.
Massage their gums
Gently massaging your toddler’s gums with a clean finger or a cool cloth can help soothe their discomfort. The methodical motions of your finger circling their gums can relax them and help them nod off.
Give them a cool teething ring or cloth to chew on
As well as soothing their gums, a cool teething ring or cloth can provide your baby with a welcome distraction from the soreness.
Give them pain relief
With teething often comes fever and pain [2] – so it may be worth giving your child a specially-for-children liquid pain reliever [3]. Just ensure you read the instructions and ingredients carefully, and if you’re unsure if it’s suitable for your infant, call your GP for advice.
Offer them a cool drink of water
If your toddler wakes in the night, offering them a cool glass of water (with a side order of cuddles) may help them doze back to sleep. They’ll feel comforted you’ve acknowledged that they’re upset, and that might be all it takes to get them to go back to sleep.
1: https://www.whattoexpect.com/childrens-health-and-safety/fever-in-children.aspx
2,3: https://www.hse.ie/eng/health/az/t/teething/
Brought to you by
CALPOL® Infant Suspension for infants 2 months + (weighing over 4kg & not premature). Contains paracetamol. For pain and fever. Always read the label.

