There is nothing more annoying than bringing your toddler to bed at bedtime one for you to still be trying to settle them two hours later.


But before you pull out your hair or stress about whether you are doing something wrong, have a read of the following six reasons your little one is not settling.  


1. They've got into the habit of waking up

Sometimes kids simply get into a habit of doing a particular thing and you simply have to break it.


2. They are sleeping too much during the day

Maybe cut down on a late afternoon nap?



3. They’re going to bed too early

Your little one won’t be able to sleep it they simply aren’t tired. Try keeping them up for an extra 20 or 30 minutes past their bedtime and see if that makes a difference.


4. They may be growing through a developmental stage

When your toddler is learning to walk or talk their sleep can be disrupted and they can start waking up in the middle of the night. This should settle down after a couple of weeks though.


5. They are teething

The pressure and pain caused by teething can be uncomfortable for your little one, and can be the reason he or she is waking up in the middle of the night or struggling to settle.


6. They’re hungry

If your little one is going through a growth spurt they may be feeling hungry when they are going to bed. Make sure they are getting plenty of food so that hunger pains aren’t keeping them up all night.


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