Most of us go in to motherhood with the idea that we are going to teach the kids everything they need to know, but after the first six years you will realise that they aren't the only ones learning. 


Here are six things you will learn in the first six years of parenting:


That you have more patience than you thought

If you are the type of person who hates when the queue is longer than one person and can’t stand having to wait in traffic, you’ll probably think it will be the same when you have kids. Well, you’ll be very surprised to learn that, when it comes to your kids, you’ll learn to relax a little and not be so impatient.


That you can bake

Even if you weren't a whiz in the kitchen before you had kids you’ll be surprised at just how good you can be, or how hard you try, when your little one comes to you with their big brown eyes and long Bambi-like lashes.


To always go with your gut instinct

You will learn to always go with your gut. When you are worried about something it is important you go with your gut instinct, it’s hasn’t been wrong so far.


That you can be creative when you want to be

Even if you weren’t one for arts and crafts or DIY jobs before the kids came along, you have probably learned that you can be crafty when you want to be or when your child is bored and looking for a little inspiration.


That you can be wrong

If you were the type of person who was never, ever wrong (even though you probably were a few times), kids will certainly change that. You’ll be surprised how smart and quick a five, six or seven-year-old can be and if you get something wrong be sure they will point it out to you.


Unconditional love exists 

And finally, you will learn that unconditional love is a real thing. when your child is the only one in the whole shopping centre who is having a tantrum you will learn that even though you could, but wouldn't, throttle them right now, you still love them more than anyone or anything in the whole world. 

