As parents, we must savour each mini-win we achieve during the day. These may seem basic to most, but can evoke a strange sense of pride and relief in the mind of a mum with is tackling the age of new-walkers and mess makers! Here are 7 wins that mums of toddlers can relate to!


When you and your child are both clean


This is a double win: a spectacularly rare occasion when both you and your baby are clean. Its almost as if the parenthood contract has a clause stating that at no time can mum and baby be simultaneously clean. It's one or the other and let’s be honest- a mother will always focus her efforts on her little one’s appearance and hygiene rather than her own.  

Spoiler: This fleeting moment of cleanliness will last less than a nano-second so take a snap while you can!



Drying your hair


Becoming a mum changes the relationship you have with your lovely (food-filled) locks. When was the last time you dried your hair? It just doesn’t seem worth it, considering it will dry eventually without effort. But when you do have the chance to take out your dusty hair-dryer from your wardrobe, it can do wonders for the mummy-mindset.


Clean table surface


That satisfying feeling of running your hand over the kitchen table and not collecting the contents of your child breakfast bowl!


The moment you realise that you've already completed a task!


Baby brain is a real thing. It also extends well into the toddler years. Most complain of it, but it can produce mini-moments of satisfaction when you are surprised to find that one of your many jobs has already been done…. By you! (thank YOU by giving YOU a treat later on)


Peeing alone


We all know this one. Don’t forget to lock the door if you get this incredible opportunity.  


When the silence isn’t suspicious


A silent toddler is a toddler doing damage. Designing her own clothes with the pen you dropped earlier. Eating dirt. Applying your lipstick to her outfit or the walls when your back is turned. Her little hands rummaging in the baking drawer, dismantling a bag of flour or caster sugar.


Every parent is familiar with that sinking feeling when the world gets quiet for a little bit too long. However, that feeling of relief when you see your little angel (a temporary title) playing quietly to herself, is an extra special win for mums and dads of toddlers!





Another fleeting feeling.


You’ve finally emptied the laundry basket. You bask in this knowledge as you watch your very last wash is blowing dry in the beautiful breeze outside, feeling like a queen. Keep your head down as you pass the laundry room- any acknowledgement may burst your last-wash bubble. Say a quick prayer that your little one manages to keep his bib on at lunch. Cling to this win while you can, mums!

Brought to you by
Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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