With the increased temperatures, being heavily pregnant during the summer is tough enough without having to deal with older kids who are off school for a more weeks than you care to think about.


As well as dealing with back sweat and hormones, you also have easily bored and demanding kids to content with. 


But it's not that bad. Well, with our seven handy tips it won't be that bad - trust us. 


1. Send them to camp 

If you are in the financial position to send your little ones to a morning or even an afternoon camp, then do it. Yes, the holidays are a great way to catch up on family time, but that doesn't mean you can't pay for a little peace and quiet... Plus, with all the fun they are bound to have, they'll thank you for it. 


2. Playdates. Playdates are your friend. 

Organise as many playdates as you can possibly wrangle and give IOUs for when you are in a better position (read: not pregnant or up all night feeding a newborn) to return the favour. Family and friends will be more than willing to mind your little ones while you put your feet up for an hour or two - trust us, you'll need the rest! 



3. Build a fort or two  

For an hour of your time and energy you will get three back in peace and quiet as the kids spend all day huddled under the blankets that precariously make up the fort. This is the way to go whether it's lashing or the sun is beaming. 


4. Don't be a snob to technology 

While no one likes to see kids head-bent over an iPad or TV screen, they definitely come in handy when you're all out of ideas and energy to keep them out from under your feet. And an hour or two every now and then is not that bad, is it?!



5. Go on as many picnics as you can handle 

While they can be a bit of a pain to make initially, picnics in the park mean you can legit sit down on the grass for an hour or two while the kids run around you. And when they ask you to get up and play, you can always cry "but I have to mind the dessert...". 


6. Park days 

Speaking of the park, it is a great place for kids to release some pent up energy so try to head there as often as possible. Older kids will understand why you are sitting on the bench, cheering them on and younger ones will be too busy going up and down the slide to notice that you're not as active as you normally are. 


7. Just look to the future 

For the days when your back is sore, your heartburn is at you and it's lashing outside (so the kids are under your feet), just look to the future to get you through the tough times. Soon you will be holding your tiny newborn while his or her siblings rally around you looking for cuddles. 



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