Gone are the days when hopscotch and Monopoly were children’s favourite games. Skipping ropes have been swapped for smartphones as children have chosen screen time as their favourite way to play.
According to a UK survey, mobile phones and laptops came out on top when children were asked about their most loved activity.
A shocking 84 percent of children admitted that they’d rather spend their time playing on a game console, or online. Over 70 percent of youngsters said they would rather watch television than take part in outdoor activities such as football or swimming.
Parents will be happy to hear that all is not lost, as 60 percent of the children shared that arts and crafts were their favourite playtime activity.
A further 59 percent of children said playing with toys was their most loved activity.
It is understood that 724 children aged six to 12 took part in the study. An additional 986 parents got involved with the study that was commissioned by Asda and BBC Children In Need as part of their Power to Play campaign.
The goal of the campaign is to emphasise the importance of playing outside and physical activity. They hope to raise awareness about the benefits of playing outside, which include boosting confidence and expanding their social circles.
Physical activity is extremely important for children, especially for those in primary school. It was recently announced that the number of obese children in the world has increased tenfold in the past four decades.
The findings stated that there 50 million girls and 74 million boys worldwide were obese in 2016.
Experts have encouraged parents to make exercise a part of their child’s daily routine. It’s as simple as going for a walk in the park for half an hour each day.
One issue that has stopped children from playing outside is the weather. As the winter approaches, children will be less likely to play outside as temperatures drop.
65 percent of parents who took part in the Children In Need and ASDA study revealed that the bad weather affected how their children play.
The survey found that cold weather and dark evenings have a negative impact on their physical activity as 62 percent of children revealed that poor weather conditions prevented them from enjoying outdoor activities.
It will come as no surprise to hear that 81 percent of children stated that they play more outside when the weather is nicer.
It’s important to remember that even though the weather worsens in winter, there are many activities children can take part in. Make the most of your local swimming pool and play centre this winter.