There is no denying that good weather brings out the good in people, but there is also something about the smell of rain and how the world looks after that is wonderful.
OK, maybe our love for the rain has come from a sense of necessity – downpours occur so often here we had to find some positives – but when you really think about it there are some good things that come with it...
Bear with us while we try to convince you.
1. Rain means splashing in puddles
The kids not us, although it is fun when you’re in the mood!
2. Rain means cute little wellies and raincoats with frogs on them
Oh how we wish we could pull off a pink mac with tiny green frogs on it.
3. Rain means daisy chains and lush gardens
Ever notice how your garden looks like it has just been attacked by a daisy bomb after the rain?!
4. Rain means dodging your child as they pick up slugs and snails
You’re making memories. Good memories.
5. Rain means rainbows
And hearing the gasp of awe come from your little one.
6. Rain means cuddles on the couch and movie days
Duvet optional but we'd totally recommend one.
7. Summer rain means you don't have the hassle of sun cream
Well you won't be going outside!
8. Rain means mud pies and childhood squeals
Oh how those little laughs light up your life.
9. Rain means indoor dens
And spending the day hiding from the outside world.