Before your daughter reaches their teen years, there are a few things that they should probably know about to set them up for adulthood.
Here are nine things your little girl should know about by the age of nine:
It’s ok to not agree with someone
Make sure your little one knows that it is ok to have their own opinion and to think their own thoughts. It is important they know that they don’t have to think like other people and that having their own mind is a good thing.
To love themselves
Before your daughter enters the turbulent world of teenager-hood it is important they learn to love themselves. As they start to become more and more focused on beauty and appearance a foundation of self-love is important to keep them on the straight and narrow.
It’s not always about them
Your daughter needs to know that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Teach them to be modest and considerate of others and to understand that not everything is about them.
To try their best
Failing is not wrong and it is an important part of growing up. In fact, it is more important that your daughter knows that by trying her absolute best she will always succeed.
That their body is going to change
How much you talk to your little one about the birds and the bees is entirely up to you, but she still needs to be aware of body changes before they start happening. Growing up can be frightening so it is important your little one has some idea of what is going to happen so that they can prepare for it.
To accept others as they are
As your young child slowly develops into a more grown up version of herself, it is important she knows to accept others as they are. Being judgemental of others before knowing them is a nasty habit to get into and, unfortunately, is one that many adults could do well with getting out of.
That friends are the most important
Boyfriends and relationships will come and go but it’s friends who always remain. Make sure your little girl knows to value her friends and that it takes two to keep the relationship strong.
To be compassionate
By now your little one should be well aware that not everyone is as fortunate as them. Teach them to be compassionate and understanding of others.
That being healthy is important
Avoid conversations about weight or diets, instead teach them the importance of being fit and healthy without making it about size.