How contagious is it?
During childhood, kids can be faced with an array of illnesses and viruses and some of these can be highly contagious.It can be confusing knowing what is and isn’t contagious and how long you will need to keep your little one away from school so here is our handy guide to some common childhood illnesses, a list of symptoms and their incubation and contagious periods.
Chickenpox (varicella)
A red and itchy skin rash that usually starts on the torso as small red bumps which look like pimples. These then become filled with fluid before finally erupting before scabbing over.
Incubation: Between 10-20 days after exposure before the rash appears.
How it’s contracted: Through coughing and sneezing, or direct contact with an infected person.
Contagious: It is highly contagious for a period of about six days, including a period of a few days before the rash is visible until after the spots scab over.
Complications: While rare, some children can develop complications like pneumonia, encephalitis or a bacterial infection of the skin.
Vaccine: Yes.
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Symptoms of whooping cough include long fits of coughing and wheezy breathing.
Incubation: About 7 days after exposure.
Contagious: The disease is especially contagious during the first week; however, the infectiousness lessens the following five to seven weeks. Children should be kept home from school for five days after starting antibiotic treatment, and especially kept away from infants who may not be fully immune.
Complications: Whooping cough is most serious in babies who are under one year old and will often require admission to hospital. It can lead to complications such as haemorrhage, convulsions, pneumonia, coma, inflammation of the brain, permanent brain damage and long-term lung damage.
Vaccine: Yes
Fifth disease (parvovirus) 
A child with fifth disease has red specks on the cheeks; nose, arms, thighs and buttocks which can blur, giving the appearance of being slapped.
Incubation: About 14 days
Infectious: Only before the rash appears.
Complications: While a mild disease for children, there is a small risk to unborn babies if their mother is not immune. Infection during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy can rarely cause a form of anaemia in the baby – but in most cases this will resolve before birth.
Vaccine: No
Hand, foot and mouth (Coxsackievirus)
The symptoms of hand, foot and mouth include a large number of small spots and blisters especially in the mouth, hands and feet of the sufferer. A slight fever may also be present for a few days.
Incubation: 2-3 days
Infectious: The disease is contagious as long as blisters or spots are still present.
Complications: These are uncommon but can include dehydration because the sores in the mouth and throat make it difficult to drink as can infection of the sores.
Vaccine: No
Mumps causes a general feeling of being unwell, including fever, loss of appetite and swelling in the salivary glands on one or both sides of the face.
Incubation: An average of 16 -18 days
Infectious: 1-2 days before symptoms appear until about 5 days after.
Complications: While potentially serious, complications are not common but can include meningitis, encephalitis and, in boys, orchitis in which the testicles can swell.
Vaccine: Yes, as part of the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) combined vaccine.
Flu is a respiratory illness with symptoms such as fevers, sore throat, a cough, general achiness, headaches and fatigue.
Incubation: Usually 1-2 days but can be up to 5.
Infectious: 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5-7 days after.
Complications: Some complications caused by flu can include: bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes. Children may get sinus problems and ear infections as complications from the flu.
Vaccine: Yes
The symptoms of tonsillitis include a very sore throat, fever, red or pus-covered tonsils and swollen glands in the neck.
Incubation: 2-4 days
Infectious: Until 48 hours after starting antibiotics; can be up to 2 weeks without treatment.
Complications: Uncommon, but tonsillitis can lead to secondary infections in the sinuses or middle ear.
Vaccine: No

