Have you ever looked at your baby and felt like they’d almost doubled in size overnight?
The speed at which our little ones grow is astounding for most parents, especially when our children are still infants. Sure, there are plenty of sleepless nights we wish would go a little faster, but overall, don’t we all wish our kids would grow up a little slower?
Rather than happening evenly and consistently, growth in children tends to happen in bursts known as ‘growth spurts’. During these bursts, you’ll probably notice your baby is growing in length and putting on weight at a much quicker rate than usual. You may also realise that your little one is hitting a big milestone in their development around the same time.
And if you think they’re growing quickly now just wait until puberty begins…
Signs and symptoms of a growth spurt
Growth spurts are different for every child. Sometimes you won’t notice any change in their behaviour and may not even notice a significant difference in their weight or appearance until after the spurt has finished. Maybe you go to fit on a pair of baby shoes to notice they’re suddenly much too tight!
However, in other cases, your baby may be acting a little unusually. For example:
- Is your child sleeping more than they normally would?
- Is your child hungrier than usual?
- Is your child more irritable than usual without showing any signs of illness?
- Is your child acting clingier than is normal?
These are all signs reported by parents during their infants’ growth spurts and while you shouldn’t use ‘growth spurt’ to justify every odd behaviour, it is something to keep in mind if they seem otherwise fine.
Growing pains
While there is no scientific link between growth spurts and growing pains, many parents have noticed both things happening around the same time in their kids.
Growing pains can affect children between the ages of three and 12 and while they can be upsetting for your child, they don’t cause long-term harm. Discomfort usually occurs in the lower leg (shins, calves, ankles) and during the evenings or night-time.
While your child may be experiencing some discomfort, they should not be limping and it should not hamper them in any way, other than maybe making them a little cranky.
CALPOL® Infant Suspension is a paracetamol-based medicine that provides relief from pain for children over two months, weighing over 4kg and not premature. If they are six-years or older, try paracetamol-based CALPOL® SIXPLUS™ Suspension.
If you’d like to track your child’s exciting growth developments, claim your FREE Height Chart from the makers of CALPOL®, available from selected pharmacies nationwide while stocks last and with no purchase necessary.
CALPOL® SixPlus contains Paracetamol. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.