Is your home full of toys yet your kids are always requesting new ones or complaining that they’re bored?


Or have your kids outgrown their old toys and you don’t know what to do with them?


Then new app Appytoy could be just what you need. Appytoy is a marketplace for pre-loved toys and aims to help parents pass on toys to each other or donate them to a charity.


 Not only is it a fun, quick and easy way to exchange toys, it also saves parents time, money and space and teaches children about recycling and reusing.


It also gives both parents and children an opportunity to get to know their neighbours and participate in their local communities.


To use the app, parents simply upload pictures of a toy they want to give away, add an accurate description and wait for someone to request it.


Once you’ve started giving away toys you can get them from other users. Awesome!


There are different filters to narrow down your search for toys, based on your child’s age and interests.


The revolutionary app is the brainchild of three Dublin-based entrepreneurs, Ekaterina Kislova, Evgeny Kazaev and Cathal Murphy.


It has already been attracting attention from international technology companies, with Google awarding them a place on their Adopt a Start Up programme.


Appytoy gained rave reviews when tested by almost 50 parents over the past six months. The feedback was 100 percent positive with parents particularly impressed by the fact that Apptoy is built on a “Sharing Economy” principle and there is no money involved.


One mum-of-three said: “Is it possible to upload a baby's rattle and swap for a bike in return? Yes! That's the magic and you need to embrace this if you become part of the Appytoy Community”.



Appytoy carried out market research with 120 parents and found 95 percent live in homes cluttered with toys. 72 percent of them are doing nothing about it.


Research conducted in 2016 by packaging recycling scheme, Repak, revealed that three-quarters of all Irish parents have thrown out their children’s toys before Christmas to make room for new ones.


This is a shame considering many of these toys could be reused and loved again by another child.


The app is now in the final stages of testing and will be available to download by the end of September. It's free to download and is compatible with both iOS and Android. 


If you would like to find out more about this interesting app, you can join the community by following on Facebook or Twitter


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