As mums, all we want for our kids to have a happy, healthy childhood, and to not miss out on the many opportunities that are available. However, it is this need for our kids to do well and take the right path that can cause us to become a little controlling over even pushy, without realising it.
While there is certainly no right or wrong way to parent your little one, it is important to have balance and been there when they need you, but not too much!
If you aren’t sure if whether you’re a pushy parent or not, have a read of the following:
1. You don’t give them options
You demand your child do what you want them to do and don’t respect their wishes – unless it’s of the same opinion as yours.
2. You say no more times than yes
While it is important you keep the role as parent and disciplinary, if you find yourself saying no to your child’s outfit choice or to certain after school activities maybe it’s time to make a change.
3. You get mad when they want to quit
While we don’t want our kids to quit at the first hurdle, there is no harm in giving up on an activity that your child is really just not into. However, if you find yourself wanting them to do it more than they want to do it, maybe take a step back.
4. You want your child to reach goals, having fun doesn’t come into it
Your child will rebel and act out if they are constantly being forced to do something that they have no interest in. They will never feel satisfied or experience a sense of fulfillment if they don’t enjoy what it is they are doing.
While it is important to offer your child support and encouragement throughout their life, you need to be aware when you are starting to take over.