A 31-year-old mum in Dublin had a horrifying experience last night when two armed robbers held up the hostel in which she worked.
The woman was tied up with cable ties and her children were threatened while the thugs emptied the Salvation Army hostel safes.
A source reported to press that the two men told the terrified mum:
“We have your kids and nothing will happen to them as long as you stay quiet.”
The source added that “They threatened her with a blunt instrument and then tied her up with cable ties. The men, who spoke with Dublin accents, secured the keys to one safe and got an amount of coins.”
“These men appeared to have knowledge of the building and the movements of its staff. This was a truly despicable crime and this woman is understandably very upset.”
The Gardaí confirmed that the terrifying incident is under investigation.
“Gardaí at Store Street are investigating a burglary on Granby Row. Two men entered the premises and threatened a member of staff. They escaped with an amount of cash.”
“The investigation is ongoing.”

