With the summer holidays just around the corner, it can be a difficult situation for divorced parents to work around. The summer time sees changes in regular schedules and with childcare and holidays to deal with it can be a tricky.
However, if you are on amicable terms and you both work together, you can all enjoy quality family time without too much upheaval or stress.
If you are worried about the holidays, the following tips will hopefully make it go a little smoother.
1. Talk about childcare
With the schools closed childcare can become an issue - but not if you agree a plan early on. If possible, sit down together and discuss how you are going to work it out. Whether you want to get a nanny, send them to camp or take time off work you both need to agree on it and find something that suits you all.
2. Be flexible
Now is the time to be flexible with your arrangement, if possible. You may want to organise a holiday on days they are with their dad or vice versa so it is important you are both willing to give a little leeway to each other. Not only will the kids benefit from you working together but you will both get to enjoy quality family time with them.
3. Discuss plans early on
Talk to your ex about any holidays that you want to take the kids on as they may have plans as well.  If everything is out in the open before you book you will save yourself a lot of money later.
4. Talk about money
Camps, childcare and holidays are expensive and, awkward or not, you need to talk about money with your ex. Be realistic about how much either of you can afford – remember you have nothing to prove – and avoid talking about money in front of the kids.
5. Discuss camps before you book them
If your child has a particular camp they want to go to it is important you discuss it with your ex and vice versa. The last thing you want is for your child to be left feeling disappointed if you say they can go but your ex says they can’t - you will save yourself a lot of money and tears if you are both open and honest. 

