Parents can’t help but take photos on their child’s first day back at school. They just look so sweet in their pristine uniforms and shiny shoes.
Every mum knows those uniforms never stay clean for too long. Soon they’ll return home from school with splotches of paint on their pinafore or a dollop of jam dried into the sleeve of their jumper.
Those french braids you spent ages perfecting are now loose and messy. The school shoes you paid a small fortune for are already scuffed after playground adventures.
We don’t blame parents for wanting to take photos of their children on that special day. They may look cute, but more importantly, they look spotless.
We can’t help but gush over their happy grins as they pose with their new school bag in the front garden.
Taking these photos is perfectly fine and a wonderful way to capture those precious moments from their youth, however, posting those snaps online is a big no-no.
Experts have warned parents against sharing back-to-school pictures online. They urged parents to be wary of the fact that 30 percent of their online profiles are public, which means strangers can view these images.
Over half of parents involved in the study admitted they were afraid about paedophiles accessing images of their kids. 35 percent expressed their worry about kidnapping
Chief scientist and Fellow at McAfee, Raj Samani, said: “Before proud parents share their children’s ‘first day’ photos on social media, they must consider the potential consequences of what they post.”
He stressed: “These sorts of images can be used to gather personal information such as school, location, a child’s full name, or even birth dates to paint a picture of who they are.”
The best thing to do is to print a physical copy of the photos, then you’ll have a copy of it forever. We all know just how unreliable technology can be. Plus, having a physical copy of the photo will help avoid upset when you accidentally delete the photo from your phone.