Keeping our kids safe when they are out and about is a parent's biggest priority, and teaching them about stranger danger is definitely at the top of the list.


However, one family in Missouri went too far when they arranged to have their youngster kidnapped by family members to “teach him a lesson”.


The six-year-old endured a terrifying four-hour “kidnap” where he was allegedly told that he would never see his mother again, be sold as a sex slave or “nailed to the wall of a shed.”


According to KTLA5TV channel, Lincoln County Sheriff Office have arrested four people in connection with the incident – the boy’s mother, grandmother, aunt and a friend of the aunt.


In a press release by the Sherriff's Office, cited by the TV channel: “Family members told investigators their primary intent was to educate the victim and felt they did nothing wrong.” 


It added: “The victim remained in the basement for some time before he was unbound and told to go upstairs, where the victim’s family lectured him about stranger danger.” 


According to police, the youngster was lured into the aunt’s friend’s car after he got off the school bus and told he would never see his mum again. The little boy’s hands and feet were tied and his faced covered with a jacket.


When the six-year-old told his teacher what happened, the police and the Missouri Division of Family Services became involved and he was placed in protective custody. 


