Turning five is an exciting time in your child’s life, he will begin to become more aware of what is happening around him and several milestones will occur.Your five year old is just starting to notice things about the world around him. He’s also beginning to develop a better understanding of values and that his family might have different values to his friends.
It’s worthwhile remembering that at this age, your child likes structure and rules. Rules will help him feel safe and secure as he comes to grips with the world around him. Your five year old will understand a lot more about things like time and space even though many children of this can’t tell the time just yet.
By the time your child is six years of age, he will be able to arrange objects from smallest to largest, shortest to longest and from lightest to heaviest. He will begin to be able to comprehend that the mass of an object remains the same regardless of how it is arranged. For instance, if a piece of clay is moulded into a square, it still weighs the same if it is flattened out.
Your child will now be able to copy letters onto a page and even write a word from memory. He will also recognise letters, some words but may not be able to read just yet. He will also be able to sort objects by colour, size or shape.