With back-to-school season just around the corner, this is a perfect opportunity for Mum to come up with some fun and healthy ideas to get more fruit & veg into those lunchboxes. Here are just some of the tricks we use here at MummyPages HQ.
1. Fresh fruit
Starting with the basics, this is an obvious way to help boost your child’s vitamin intake. However, rather than popping an apple or banana into their school bag, we actually cut the fruit into bite-sized chunks. Yes, it takes 30 seconds longer, but the kids find them more appealing this way.
Fill a small container with grapes, cherries, orange slices, berries or sliced bananas.
2. Smoothies
This is one of the easiest ways to get fruit and veg into your child’s lunchbox as most kids love them. innocent smoothies have delicious fruit and veg recipes; Pineapples, Apples & Carrots or Strawberries, Apples & Beetroot. Each one counts for one of your little one’s 5-a-day and is perfect for any lunchbox or picnic.
3. Trail mix
A homemade version would be best and it’s really easy. Nuts are an excellent source of protein and the dried fruit goes towards your child’s five-a-day.
4. Apple and peanut butter
This is one that we love having even for ourselves. Simply slice an apple and spread a little peanut butter on each slice. One of your five-a-day and also a great source of protein.
5. Muffins
Shop-bought versions are usually packed with sugar, so whenever we find time at the weekend (easier said than done, we know) we make up carrot or fruit muffins for the week and pop them into school lunches. You can freeze them and defrost when needed. Why not have a go at these tasty healthy carrot and orange muffins.
6. Fruit & cheese skewers
Filled with calcium and protein, cheese is a great addition to a school lunch and something that most kids love. We usually fill a small container with cubed cheese and grapes – a combination our kids really enjoy.
7. Raisins
Sweet, but filled with fibre and iron - what more could you ask for? A heaped tablespoon of these little beauties equals one portion of fruit.
8. Raw veg snacks
Baby carrots, chopped peppers and celery sticks may not sound like something your kids will beg for, but combine them with hummus or another tasty dip and they become a regular request for the school lunchbox.
9. Fruit yoghurt
Rather than buying fruit yoghurts, which can be really high in sugar, combine plain or Greek yoghurt with chopped fruit and add it to your child’s lunchbox.
10. Applesauce
This is a huge novelty for our kids, who enjoy eating homemade applesauce as they would a yoghurt. You can also stew other fruits (and sneak in a couple of vegetables) if you want some variety.
Kids should eat more fruit & veg. Fact. Kids love eating fruit & veg. Not a fact. Thankfully innocent Drinks have two seriously scrumptious recipes for you to choose from for little hands and lunchboxes; Pineapples, Apples & Carrots or Strawberries, Apples & Beetroot. Not only do they taste brilliant, but they are also packed with a whole portion of fruit & veg and absolutely nothing else. Check them out here.