Dyslexia is caused by problems with up to ten different genes, which is why the symptoms are different for individual sufferers. Dyslexia is most commonly associated with reading problems, but can also affect handwriting ability, spoken language, mathematical skills, coordination, sequencing, time orientation, attention and focus, processing of audio and visual input, as well as memory.
Doctors and specialists tend to deal with the negative effects of dyslexia in children. Very often a dyslexic child turns out to be gifted too. Many dyslexic children have much higher than normal IQ's, but experience trouble in communicating and processing their thoughts and ideas. It is common for gifted dyslexic children to excel in tests and school work, despite the problems they face with learning and writing. They end up using their minds in completely different ways to normal children, which makes them skilled at problem solving in later life. Alternative methods of processing information, such as from reading, enables a dyslexic person to spot problems where other people don't see any.
Dyslexic children will often be able to compensate for their difficulties, so that the condition remains undiagnosed and they end up being labelled as lazy learners. Sometimes a child can just be dyslexic, without any special gifted abilities. Parents should not expect a dyslexic child to automatically be gifted, or look for problems with a gifted child. Obsession over a child's faults can cause the really special gifts to be overlooked.

