If you want your child to read more, you have to motivate them. And to motivate your child, you have to know what kinds of books capture his attention.
In addition to understanding your child’s interests, you cannot expect them to read books that are over his head. All too many times, parents buy books that are beyond a child’s reading level and attention span. You cannot judge the book only by the recommended age listed on the back. You have to know your child’s attention span. If it is fifteen minutes, you should be buying books that he can read front to back within that time. Longer stories will leave a new reader frustrated which could make him shy away from reading even more.
Show your child how much fun reading can be. Read aloud with your child and get silly. If it’s a book about animals, make animals sounds. You can even use silly voices and act out the book. Most children respond well to this type of storytelling.
In addition to understanding your child’s interests, you cannot expect them to read books that are over his head. All too many times, parents buy books that are beyond a child’s reading level and attention span. You cannot judge the book only by the recommended age listed on the back. You have to know your child’s attention span. If it is fifteen minutes, you should be buying books that he can read front to back within that time. Longer stories will leave a new reader frustrated which could make him shy away from reading even more.
Show your child how much fun reading can be. Read aloud with your child and get silly. If it’s a book about animals, make animals sounds. You can even use silly voices and act out the book. Most children respond well to this type of storytelling.