They'll shine up like a new penny come the first day of school, standing proudly in that crisp, new uniform. But your child goes through a lot when they start their classroom adventures. Lunch spillages, ink stains, rips at the knee; these things are bound to happen, but the good news is, there are still ways you can keep those uniforms in tip-top condition - and all through the year too!


 Follow the instructions on the label


This sounds so obvious, but depending on the material of the uniform, it may have to be washed at a specific temperature or only hand washed. Ignoring the instructions could result in the material getting damaged or faded or shrunk prematurely.  


And use colour-catchers in the wash!


How many mums have wanted to cry at the discovery of the red sock accidentally put in with the school uniform? It's happened to us all but simply popping in a colour-catcher can help prevent disasters - you can never be too careful! 


Invest in a good quality uniform


Investing in a uniform with quality materials will ensure that it stays as good as new throughout the year and that it's one that is more durable against wear-and-tear, which might prevent mishaps happening in the first place. Lidl's own school uniforms are not only super reasonably priced, they have been made with TLC and are virtually indestructible!   



Be careful how you dry them


It might be tempting to throw the uniforms in the dryer come wash day, but some may shrink to nothing if they are specifically meant to be air-dried. Always double check because overly putting them in the dryer can damage the materials in the clothes.   


Get them changed without delay


It might be tempting to let the kids linger in the uniform after school but get them to change as soon as they come home. They'll be more comfortable and it avoids the possibility of spills, rips and tears - and keeps school uniforms fresher for longer.

Brought to you by
At Lidl they know what kids do to uniforms, so they've had Hohenstein Institute scientists put their fabrics through the toughest lab tests imaginable!

