If you try to discipline your preschooler and they just don’t seem to care, your approach to discipline is simply not working. It may be time to change what you are doing.
If you ask your child to come inside and he refuses, you might give him a time out. In doing so, what has your child learned? Have they learned to follow directions? Have they learned to come to you when you call them? In reality, they probably have learned neither. Instead of using the time out approach, you may want to try teaching. Explain why it is important that he comes in when you tell him to. It may take a few tries, but when he does do what you ask, give him a little reward and praise him for listening. At this age, rewards work well. Of course, you have to let your child know that there will not be a reward every time, but only on occasion. Still, this strategy works because your child will remember that when he does what you want him to do, it makes you happy and he could get a reward.
If you ask your child to come inside and he refuses, you might give him a time out. In doing so, what has your child learned? Have they learned to follow directions? Have they learned to come to you when you call them? In reality, they probably have learned neither. Instead of using the time out approach, you may want to try teaching. Explain why it is important that he comes in when you tell him to. It may take a few tries, but when he does do what you ask, give him a little reward and praise him for listening. At this age, rewards work well. Of course, you have to let your child know that there will not be a reward every time, but only on occasion. Still, this strategy works because your child will remember that when he does what you want him to do, it makes you happy and he could get a reward.