Here are some ways mum can avoid an energy slump.
Make sure your child is getting all the sleep they need to take on the school day. Set a specific bedtime for them and stick to it each night.
Make sure your child is getting all the sleep they need to take on the school day. Set a specific bedtime for them and stick to it each night.
To make sure they get the most out of their sleep, get them into the right frame of mind for snoozing. Turn off all technology an hour before their bedtime and if they have a mobile, make sure you keep it with you so they can’t distract themselves with texting under the covers. Read them a story or get them to play with some toys (avoid anything too energetic).
To make sure they get the most out of their sleep, get them into the right frame of mind for snoozing. Turn off all technology an hour before their bedtime and if they have a mobile, make sure you keep it with you so they can’t distract themselves with texting under the covers. Read them a story or get them to play with some toys (avoid anything too energetic).
Early risers
While it can be tempting to hit the snooze button and only get up at the absolute last minute, having a well-planned morning can actually do wonders for your little ones. A chaotic rush before you’ve properly woken up can leave everyone feeling drained before the day has even begun.
While it can be tempting to hit the snooze button and only get up at the absolute last minute, having a well-planned morning can actually do wonders for your little ones. A chaotic rush before you’ve properly woken up can leave everyone feeling drained before the day has even begun.
A good feed
Every nutritionist will tell you how important a good breakfast is. Eggs and wholemeal toast, wholegrain cereal with a piece of fruit or even a healthy homemade smoothie will kickstart your child’s metabolism and set them up for a full day of learning.
Every nutritionist will tell you how important a good breakfast is. Eggs and wholemeal toast, wholegrain cereal with a piece of fruit or even a healthy homemade smoothie will kickstart your child’s metabolism and set them up for a full day of learning.
Turn off the TV
Don’t you remember your own mum telling you that the television was turning you into a zombie? Keep the kiddies away from TVs and computers in the morning as a passive activity like that can sap their energy for the school day.
Don’t you remember your own mum telling you that the television was turning you into a zombie? Keep the kiddies away from TVs and computers in the morning as a passive activity like that can sap their energy for the school day.
Afternoon boost
Don’t sit them down in front of their homework as soon as they come in the door from school. Take 30 minutes to have a snack and a drink and a chat about their day. This will revitalise them and they’ll be more likely to reap the benefits of their homework.
Don’t sit them down in front of their homework as soon as they come in the door from school. Take 30 minutes to have a snack and a drink and a chat about their day. This will revitalise them and they’ll be more likely to reap the benefits of their homework.
A helping hand
While vitamin supplements are usually given to children to boost their immune systems, they can also have a great effect on a child’s energy levels. Pharmaton Kiddi Health and Pharmaton Kiddi Crunchy contain key nutrients, like iron and vitamin C, that are important for the growth, development and general well-being of kids aged 4-12, which is why they’re Irish mums’ No.1 choice.
While vitamin supplements are usually given to children to boost their immune systems, they can also have a great effect on a child’s energy levels. Pharmaton Kiddi Health and Pharmaton Kiddi Crunchy contain key nutrients, like iron and vitamin C, that are important for the growth, development and general well-being of kids aged 4-12, which is why they’re Irish mums’ No.1 choice.