A mother in the UK has been sentenced to six months in prison after it was revealed she had left her children at home alone while she travelled to Australia for a six-week holiday.
The mum of six left her eldest son, aged just 14, in charge of the other children, telling him she was just going to the shops to buy food.
However she instead took a six-week holiday to visit a Chinese man in Australia who she had met online.
After receiving a text from his mother telling him she would not return until the following morning, the smart teen raised the alarm and rang his grandparents.
Even after being contacted by police, the woman refused to cut her trip short, and cut off all communication by shutting down her social media accounts.
On her return to the UK a month and a half later, the woman was arrested and charged with six counts of abandonment.
A judge in Birmingham Crown Court agreed to suspend her prison sentence for two years when it emerged she was pregnant with her seventh child.
During the trial, the court were shown cards made by the woman's children while she was away, saying "we miss you mummy" and "we want to see you soon."