While we all know that providing our children with a balanced diet is essential for their health and wellbeing, this particular school is perhaps taking that a bit too far with their strict lunchbox guidelines.
Mum-of-two, Jennifer Louise Ireton, was truly struggling to comprehend how her four-year-old son’s school, thought that their rigid lunchbox policy was acceptable, adding that it was costing her an additional £25 per week.
The lunchbox guidelines in question state that children’s lunches must contain items such as a daily fruit or vegetable, a protein of some sort, a starchy food and a dairy food. All seems normal right? Well apparently children are also allowed to eat a piece of cake or dessert every day, but only if it’s homemade, but crisps or sweets are forbidden.
The school has also outlined that children are allowed to eat homemade sausage rolls as part of their daily protein requirement, but shop-bought ones are strangely unacceptable, and for whatever reason, chipolatas are only allowed every once in a while.
The 30-year-old mum took to Facebook to ask other parents how they felt about this bizarre policy, receiving mixed reviews. One mum commented, “You are not allowed to bring up your own children how you wish any more,” while another defended, “They are just trying to keep the kids happy and healthy.”
When speaking to The Sun, Jennifer said, “It seems unnecessary to tell parents exactly what they should be putting in their lunch boxes - we all try and feed our kids healthy stuff. It's very dictated.”
“I would normally just feed them a sandwich, packet of crisps, veggie sticks and then a chocolate bar as a treat at home,” she added. “It's a lot of pressure; it gives me a lot of anxiety knowing they will take food off the kids if it doesn't fit the requirements.”
“Robin has a nut allergy but there are no restrictions on nuts which is unusual and worrying. If I had the time, I would bake cakes and sausage rolls but I have an 18-month-old toddler that I need to look after, as well as other household chores,” the mum-of-two stated.