One of the most important things to consider is your own attitude and approach toward eating in general.
You should try to avoid forcing your child to eat vegetables, or any food for that matter. Instead, encourage your child to try a spoonful but don’t get upset if they refuse it. Keep reintroducing foods from time to time and you will be amazed, after two or three attempts they will be more than happy to give it a go.
Even young children can learn why nutrition is important. You can simply say: ‘They taste good and make you healthy, big and strong.’
Some other tricks of the trade:
- Add vegetables to store-bought foods or to those you have prepared already.
- Set out a plate of raw vegetables or a salad of cold, cooked vegetables before the meal, the time when your child is hungriest.
- Keep a bowl of cherry tomatoes or baby carrots in the fridge; they make a quick and handy snack. Of course, you will want to take into account for the fact that these foods can be potential choking hazards for toddlers and younger children.
- Serve raw or lightly steamed vegetables with salad dressing or cheese sauce for dipping.
- Make mashed sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes – sweet potatoes contain lots of vitamin A.
- Let children make their own tacos with shredded lettuce, tomato, ground turkey and a little cheese.
- Try not to overcook vegetables. Light cooking preserves taste, bright appearance, and valuable vitamins.
- Help make your child familiar with vegetables. Serve them every day.
- Prepare meals together (for example, younger children can wash, and older ones can chop vegetables for stir-fry dishes and salads).
- Let your child help choose fresh vegetables when you’re shopping.
- Plant a vegetable garden with your child. Or just put a small cherry tomato plant in a pot in a sunny spot in the yard.
Most important, set a good example. Remember that your actions will speak louder than words. Besides, parents need their veggies, too!