One in four primary schools teaching homeless children, survey finds

It has been revealed that one in four primary schools across Ireland has pupils who are homeless. The shocking figures show the stark reality of Ireland’s homeless crisis.

It was confirmed that 27 percent of primary schools have homeless students.

The news was released by the Irish Primary Principals’ Network who shared that young children are suffering from low self-esteem, exhaustion and anxiety due to their circumstances.

The Irish Primary Principals’ Network’s survey found that many homeless children felt like school was their ‘safe haven’.

Over 1,000 principals took part in the study. They expressed their concerns about the affect homelessness has on children, especially when it comes to their mental health.

They found that a lot of children were struggling with feelings of isolation and low self-esteem.

Páiric Clerkin, the network’s chief executive, said: “Homelessness for children is lonely. They often become isolated from their closest friends and relations – they become restricted and confined; their play area reduced to a hotel corridor, homework done at the side of the bed in a room the family share.”

It is understood that these issues can have a poor impact on youths’ attendance and grades.

The most recent official homeless figures from November show there were 3,811 children in emergency accommodation that month.

