Parents in the States are outraged by what they consider the use of politically incorrect language by school officials in a Biology test assigned to high-school children.

Teens in Charlotte, North Carolina were given an exam which parents felt featured questionable terms and racist content and led some to demand an explanation from school authorities.

A Biology test, focusing on genetics, was given on November 3rd and featured the following question: “LaShamanda has a heterozygous big bootie, the dominant trait. Her man Fontavius has a small bootie which is recessive. They got married and have a baby named LaPrincess. What is the probability LaPrincess will inherit her momma’s big bootie?”

Speaking to a local television station, one mum whose daughter sat the test said: “I was completely stunned. This is not appropriate language at all.” The mum said her child felt uncomfortable when she was faced with the question in a school exam.

Another parent, commenting on the situation, said: “It should not be on a test. Any where. Any school. It’s inappropriate.”

The test has since been taken out of circulation and the teacher has apologised for issuing the worksheet in the first place.

