Physical Education is set to become a Leaving Cert subject.
Secondary school pupils can look forward to studying PE from September 2018 onwards.
The new subject will be available in a small number of schools at first and will be marked as a Leaving Cert subject in 2020.
There will be three sections to the new subject, including a written exam, a physical activity project, and a performance assessment.
Pupils will be awarded CAO points for sports including rugby, rowing, tennis, rock climbing, swimming and jazz dance.
Secondary school pupils can study the topic at both higher and ordinary level.
The subject is set to go through a two-year phase, and it will then be introduced in the schools who want to offer it as a subject to their students.
Leo Varadkar has welcomed the new subject and believes it will help improve children’s fitness and health levels.
He shared that it was a big government priority to add the subject to the Leaving Certificate curriculum. The government hope that it will encourage youths to practice healthier lifestyles.
Earlier this year, it was reported that the rate of children who were obese had increased dramatically.
A study found that in four decades, the numbers of obese children had risen rapidly, “In 2016, 50 million girls and 74 million boys worldwide were obese.”
It has been recommended that teenagers get at least one hour of physical exercise every day.
We understand that homework and studying take up a huge chunk of young people's time, but making time for physical activity is essential.
There are numerous benefits to exercise, including improving your mental health, boosting muscle strength and maintaining a healthy weight.
Introducing PE as a subject for the Leaving Cert examinations is a brilliant way to help boost physical activity.