While the school curriculum is important in helping your child grow and develop, there are a number of practical life skills that you need to teach them yourself. 


There is so much more to life than exams, tests and school work, so here are eight skills you need to teach your child:


1. How to set the table

The art of setting the table is slowly dying as more and more of us eat with our dinners on our laps. Don’t let this happen in your household; teach your child how to lay out the knives and forks and eat together as a family.


2. How to clean the windows

Make sure it’s a little dirty before you give them a cloth, and be prepared for a few streaks; practice makes perfect.


3. How to make a sandwich

Now we don’t mean anything too complicated, but using a knife to butter some bread before placing a slice of cheese on it.



4. Basic cooking skills

Once your child is old enough teach them things like weighting, pouring, mixing and even chopping. Starting young will hopefully mean they will be more inclined to keep up healthy eating habits when they are older. 


5. How to take care of plants

Whether it’s vegetables in the garden or flowers along the window sill, do make sure your child is at least aware of how to tend to them. Again this will help to build up healthy eating habits.


6. How washing dishes

Yes, they can use the dishwasher, but actually cleaning the dishes in the sink with soap and water a few times a month is a good lesson to learn.



7. How to handle money

Contrary to wishful thinking, money does not grow on trees, something your child needs to learn from a young age. How to save, spend and budget are all financial aspects your youngster needs to know about.


8. How to be organised

We don’t mean keeping a tidy bedroom (although this is always a plus), but to be organised in their  homework and activities – help your child by involving them in your yearly/monthly/ weekly planning.

