As mums, we all knew the time would come when the little girl who used to cling to your leg when strangers approached would eventually grow up and stop hiding behind you.
But when that day does eventually come it can hit you like a tonne of bricks and leave you feeling deflated and yearning for the newborn days.
For some, the change from little girl to almost pre-teen is swift, blunt and can seem like it happens overnight, for others it can be a gradual process with a few subtle changes happening along the way.
But just HOW do you know that your little girl is no longer your baby anymore?!
1. They don’t glance back at you when you leave them at the school gate
Not a wave nor a 'see ya later' do you get; friends, fun and adventures are a-calling.
2. They actually WANT to go shopping for clothes
And start to develop their own sense of style that does not involve the little pink tutus and pony T-shirts that you have INSISTED they wear for the past eight years...
3. They cringe when you try to give them a kiss
How dare you show affection towards your child... God, don't you know anything?!
4. They drop your hand as soon as they see their friends coming
"Pfft, you're so embarrassing, Mum."
5. Birthday parties get WAY more adventurous
We’re talking day trips out, discos... their social life is about to get a little more interesting!
6. They actually flick past the cartoons
No more Postman Pat or Doc McStuffins... now it's iCarly and Victorious.
7. They get their own breakfast without a problem
Although they haven’t quite managed to figure out where the healthy cereal is just yet...
8. They ask for a particular hairstyle
And get mad it you don't do it right... "You're the worst mum EVER!"
9. They REFUSE to wear the clothes you leave out for them
Blue and black DON'T go together - how do you not already know this?!