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Your search on baby bath has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How to deal with fever and high temperatures:’s pain, but ease mama’s nerves too. what is a normal temperature? every child’s temperature will vary, but experts say that a temperature over 37.5°c is classed as a fever...
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The 6 stages every mum goes through when her little one has the sniffles has the sniffles. 3. attempted damage control okay, so it's just a tiny sniffle, more of a snuffle really. time to contain it. maybe if you turn the heat on and feed her more superfoods full...
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How to prepare for the sniffle season- from one mum to another is better scenario. parents can get overwhelmed and exhausted when those tiny humans are sick. avoid this by putting yourself first this winter. what are your top tips for the sniffle season...
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Don’t let sniffles get in the way of a good night’s sleep sleeping peacefully again in no time at all. working snufflebabe into your little one’s bedtime routine is the first step to getting that sound sleep back. the natural blend of eucalyptus...
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Five Effective Solutions from Snufflebabe to Help Your Little One Breathe, Feed and Sleep in Comfort’s bedroom humid by placing a bowl of warm water under the radiator. to combat those sniffles, add a few drops of snufflebabe vapour oil to the bowl, or even sprinkle some on a damp cloth on...
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10 gifts for babies and toddlers that will be loved long after Christmas toy is sure to become an essential part of christmas, after all they are santa's little helpers, working hard all year making toys for children. many families have a christmas elf that lives...
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The truth about c-sections (from someone who has had three) to turn, i decided to get on with the fact that this was happening. my last weeks of pregnancy can only be described as a mission to get as much information as possible for the best recovery...
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Why a good bedtime routine is so important will develop a positive attitude towards bedtime- a godsend during the toddler years! babies- and all children- are comforted by routine and structure in general. you can use this precious time...
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Changing for the modern mum: Say hello to the new JOHNSON’S® range there are some things that will never go out of style, including the ancient christening gown that has been used for every single christening in the family and of course, johnson’s®...
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'Don't write us off': In defence of working mums, bought something online and had a phone conversation all at the same time will know mums rock at multitasking. i thought i was good before, but i was an amateur. and if i get distracted mid-way...
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Snoozing in the summer: Expert reveals how to get baby to sleep in the heat
snoozing in the summer: expert reveals how to get baby to sleep in the heat both adults and children alike have trouble sleeping well with the heat. although we should not complain and enjoy any warm...
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Daily care routines and sweet moments to share with your baby
daily care routines and sweet moments to share with your baby take a minute to appreciate your baby’s skin. it is not simply a protective layer. it is the medium through which they experience...
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How to keep your baby cool and safe during a heatwave
how to keep your baby cool and safe during a heatwave with the temperatures set to rise over the coming days, it is important you know how to take care of a young baby during a heatwave. while most of...
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None of us are perfect: It is time to end mum-shaming for good department? never raised our voices or grabbed our kid under one arm while heading out the door? the answer, of course, is no. this 'no' is comforting to us parents. none of us...
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Here's how to encourage your kiddos to practice good hygiene
here's how to encourage your kiddos to practice good hygiene bath time has been a regular part of your child’s routine since they were babies, but have you found yourself buying baby bath time...
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Little touches that will help you and baby settle after the hospital
little touches that will help you and baby settle after the hospital dulux easycare kids with stain repellent technology allows you to free yourself from the worry that everyday living will damage the...
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Precious moments: Helping dad bond with baby
precious moments: helping dad bond with baby there are many articles available that help with the mother baby bonding and while it is certainly one of the most important things, the daddy bond is just...
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How to ease your little one’s nappy rash didn’t have to. the dreaded nappy rash is caused by a reaction between your baby’s urine and bacteria which forms ammonia. if the nappy is not changed quickly, this can cause a...
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'I hate leaving him because he gets so upset': Cheryl opens up about motherhood, but i don't know if it will happen now." view this post on instagram a post shared by (@cheryl_cole__) on jun 4, 2019 at 6:44am pdt the mum normally keeps details about bear highly...
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6 of the best things about being a new mum’s) can leave you feeling zapped of energy, but isn’t it worth it all when you cuddle up to your tiny tot? view this post on instagram a post shared by mummypages (@mummypages) on may...
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