There is so much more to playing that simply having fun or providing stimulation for your child.


It can teach your youngster a number of things and help them develop fine and gross motor skills that are needed in adult life.


Whether your preschooler is playing with a jigsaw, a football, drawing or using their imagination, they are developing important skills that will help them as they grow.


Here are five things your child learns though play:


To understand and control their emotions

Your little one is going to have a number of emotions that they haven’t quite fully learned how to control but playing enables your preschooler to try things without consequences. It enables your infant to practice controlling things like anger, or sadness as they become aware of why they feel like that and what they can do to not feel like that anymore.


To be part of a team

Playing in groups helps your child learn how to behave in team-like scenarios - a skill that will play an important role for them when they grow up. They learn to take turns, help others and share.


Physical skills

As your child plays, they develop fine motor skills like holding, grasping, picking up and clutching. All of these are important skills that will develop further as your child grows.


Numbers and language

Play is a great way for your child to learn and develop maths and language skills without them realising that they are learning. Games that use numbers like hopscotch or football help your child learn how to count, and understand how numbers work. By being creative, telling stories, listening, and using their imagination your youngster is developing language and communication skills.


Problem solving

Problem solving is a pretty important skill set that your youngster needs to learn from a young age. Games like jigsaw puzzles which cause your child to ask themselves, ‘does this piece go here?’ helps them to develop problem solving skills.

