Fresh fruit
Fruit provides essential vitamins and minerals, including fibre, which is important to keep kids regular. Berries are the healthiest fruit to go for as they protect against heart disease, improve brain function and act as an antioxidant. Stock up on berries, bananas, kiwis and oranges and make sure your little one enjoys a variety of fruit each day.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are delicious and are also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Use them in recipes that require a normal potato to incorporate them into your child’s diet.
Milk and yoghurts
Milk and yoghurts provide calcium which is important for healthy bones and teeth. For added benefit, mix the yoghurt with fresh fruit. If your little one doesn’t like milk on its own, use it in porridge or pour it on their cereal.
Eggs naturally contain vitamin D which helps to absorb calcium. They are also high in protein meaning your kids will feel fuller for longer.
Oats go a long way in helping your little one concentrate and pay attention. They are also digested slowly so your kids won’t feel a sudden energy rush followed by a crash. Porridge at breakfast is a great way for them to get oats in their diet.
Feeding fish to kids can often add stress to dinner time that most mums could do without. However, once you understand the benefits, it will be worth standing over your child as they slowly make their way through it. Both salmon and tuna contain omega-3 fats which help to boost brain development, maintain a healthy heart and keep depression at bay. If your little one is not a fan, mash it up with potatoes to make fish cakes or burgers.
Beans are great source of protein and fibre and help to protect against high cholesterol; thankfully, most kids love beans in tomato sauce. While all beans are good, the darker the colour of the bean the better it is,so try to serve your little one dishes that include black beans at least once a month.
Tofu is really versatile and is a great source of lean protein. Serve in a stir-fry, soup or substitute it for yoghurt in smoothies.
Making sure your child gets a nutritious and balance diet goes a long way in ensuring a healthy body and mind.