Whether you've always wanted to pursue your dream career or your child is getting old enough to go off to university (they grow up so fast!) - going to college is never a bad idea.
Do you or your teen fancy spicing up life with some further education?
Then you better act fast!
Tomorrow is the closing date for CAO applications, so if you or your teen plan on throwing your proverbial hat into the ring, now would be the time.
This date is the cut off point for entry to all first-year undergraduate courses.
If your kid lists their chosen courses and then changes their mind, don't despair.
If they need more time to mull the decision over, applicants can modify their course selection up until July 1, though for certain programmes that is not allowed.
Dr Derek O'Byrne from Waterford Institute of Technology shared some sage advice with BreakingNews.ie for all those applying with the CAO.
"It’s a difficult process, there are a lot of choices available to people," he noted.
"What’s really important though is that they pick programmes that very much suit their skill-sets and their interests."
"If people pick a programme that they’re interested in, and that they enjoy, they’re much more likely to do well in that programme," he said.
Best of luck with the CAO!