Kids will learn maths in school; however it is up to you to help them understand money and its importance in everyday situations. This will go a long way in helping your little one get a grasp of their finances, even from a young age.
Encourage them to earn money and save it
If your little one wants a particular toy, encourage them to earn their own money and save for it.  Odd jobs around the house like setting the table or putting the clothes away are easy and helpful ways for them to earn money. When they complete a job, pay them for it and let them choose if they are going to save it or spend it. If they decide to spend it, talk to them about how much more they will have to work in order to be able to afford what they really want.
If you can’t afford something, tell them
If you can’t afford to go on holidays, get a new TV or buy a particular brand of food make sure you tell your kids this. However, keep in mind the age of the child and how much you think they can handle. Don’t include them in conversations about falling behind on loan payments or not being able to pay the rent - this will only cause them unnecessary stress.  
Get them to question their choices
When your youngster asks for a particular thing, encourage them to question whether they actual need it or is there something more important that they want. Include them in things like the shopping list and when they ask you put something on it, explain to them how much it will cost and ask whether it is necessary or whether they could go without.
Get them to act to save money
When at home, put your little one on energy saving duties and explain to them that when the lights are on you need to pay for them. Kids love being in charge of a job so put them on energy saving duties and get them to go around the house switching off lights and closing doors to keep the heat in. Explain to them that not only are they saving the family money, they are also helping the environment.  
As a parent, you are the biggest influence in your child’s life and this includes how they grasp financial concepts. 

