The deadline for late CAO applications is at 5: 15 pm today.
Students who hope to go to college in September have until this evening to register with the Central Applications Office.
The change of mind facility will open from Friday, which gives registered students the option to change their chosen courses.
The Change of Mind facility is available to applicants free of charge up to July 1 at 5:15 pm.
To register students can visit the CAO website and click ‘apply’ by 5: 15 pm today.
Careers Portal shared some helpful tips for people registering with the CAO:
Step 1: Read the CAO handbook, then go to and click on ‘Apply’.
Step 2: Enter your personal information in the spaces provided.
Step 3: Select the ‘Qualifications and Assessments’ section that is relevant to you. You may select more than one section if necessary.
Step 4: Enter your payment details.
Step 5: Create a password for your CAO account – you will need this password and your date of birth to log in to your account in future, so keep the details safe.
Step 6: Click on ‘Proceed with Application’.
Step 7: Wait for your application to be processed. If successful, your CAO application number and personal information will appear on the screen – you will also receive an email and an SMS text if you have selected this option.
“After this process has been completed, applicants can log in to their CAO account using the ‘My Application’ facility to provide additional information in support of their application, and to add, remove or re-order course choices.”
Don’t forget to spread the word, especially if you have a Leaving Cert or mature student in the family, this is information that is definitely worth sharing.