It seems the shocking image of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh sitting in an ambulance alone didn’t just affect the adults of this world. In fact, it prompted one little boy – Alex - to write a letter to President Barak Obama, offering Omran a home with his family.
Alex, who hails from New York, wrote: "Can you please go get him and bring him to [my home]. We'll be waiting for you guys with flags, flowers, and balloons. We will give him a family and he will be our brother."
“In my school I have a friend from Syria, Omar,” he continued. “And I will introduce him to Omar and we can all play together.”
President Obama shared the letter at the Leaders Summit on Refugee this week, as world leaders gathered to try to tackle the ongoing crisis.
The White House asked the youngster to read the letter himself, before posting the video on President Obama’s Facebook page, where the POTUS wrote: “Those are the words of a six-year-old boy -- a young child who has not learned to be cynical or suspicious or fearful of other people because of where they come from, how they look, or how they pray.”
“We should all be more like Alex. Imagine what the world would look like if we were. Imagine the suffering we could ease and the lives we could save.
“Listen to Alex, read his letter, and I think you'll understand why I shared it with the world. “