There is no greater victory than that when you successfully potty train a child.
Yes, the days of being drenched by missed attempts are over, and we can finally move on to the next hurdle.
For those of you in the midst of that battle, or for those who have been there and done that, here are 10 tweets that are guaranteed to ring painfully true.
1. Nip it in the bud
I walked in on Ben just about to pee on my bedroom floor..Excuse me, the toilet is over there!! #pottytraining
— Britny (@brit021) February 3, 2017
2. Surprise attack
Potty training is 98% asking a toddler if they have to go to the potty, them saying "no", and then them peeing everywhere 2 minutes later.
— KidsAreDorks (@KidsAreDorks) April 19, 2016
3. Dark days
6 hours into potty-training and I just want a dark corner, a bottle, a pack of smokes and to gently cry myself into oblivion.
— Damian Morphay (@magellan79) April 16, 2016
4. Double trouble
Potty training my twins is like the Titanic's maiden voyage... In the beginning we are excited, in the end everyone is crying and all wet.
— Reda Ramirez (@redaramirez86) April 16, 2016
5. Getting honest
Potty training is my least favorite part of motherhood thus far.
— DoppelBanger (@sarita516) April 16, 2016
6. Dirty work
The amount of poop I have touched this past week is astounding. #pottytraining #Ididntsignupforthis
— Sydni Closson (@squidnis) February 4, 2017
7. Shoe situation
"Mama, sissy made poop in her shoe" are never words a mom wants to hear. #toddlerproblems #pottytraining
— Diedre Anthony (@rthoseyourkids) April 22, 2016
8. Bathroom bonding
Before potty training I never knew there could be so much bonding on a toilet seat
— MommyConfidential (@confidentialmo1) April 11, 2016
9. Are we there yet?
Really looking forward to a day when the only bodily functions I have to micromanage are my own. #momlife #toddlerlife #pottytraining #poop
— Rachel Aldrich Rader (@mindsetwellness) February 3, 2017
10. We understand
Potty training. Enough said. #ToddlerLife #parenting #momlife #laundryday4ever
— Sara Glick (@confesstheweird) February 3, 2017